Docker for Web Developers

The Docker for Web Developers book and video course

“Docker for Web Developers” provides:

  1. 200-page book in several formats
  2. 90 minutes of video tutorials
  3. source code for use in your projects
  4. private chat room for help and support
  5. ongoing updates as Docker evolves

“you’re missing a trick if you haven’t looked at Docker yet”
Ben Frain, UK web developer

The course will help you save development time by demonstrating how to use Docker in your own web projects regardless of the technology stack you use. Within a few hours you will discover:

  1. What Docker is and how it benefits web development.
  2. Docker concepts, terminology, and best practice techniques.
  3. How to install Docker and Docker Compose on Windows, macOS, and Linux.
  4. How to use, modify, and remove Docker images, containers, volumes, networks in development and production environments.
  5. How to make local code updates, use live reloading, and debug a Dockerized application in an editor and browser DevTools.
  6. How to push application images to Docker Hub.
  7. How to deploy to a Dockerized application to production servers using Docker Swarm and Kubernetes.
  8. The most useful Docker, Docker Compose, and Dockerfile commands.

Docker is demonstrated using code you can use or adapt for your own projects. For example:

Buy the “Docker for Web Developers” course or find out more…